Wednesday, August 14, 2013

There's this boy...

I am so blessed to be a mom. You have no idea just how blessed I am. Aside from God and Bob, Mason is the love of my life. Of course I have limited experience because I only have a boy, but there is definitely something special about a boy and his momma.

Once a week, Mason and I go on a Mason & Momma date. We may go to lunch or just go for a walk, but it's our special time together. We talk about what's going on in his 8-year old world. We act silly and he always makes me laugh.

We also talk about real things and about God. He asks me questions that seem to come out of nowhere and I pray that in that moment, God will give me wisdom that speaks to his innocent little heart.

I cherish and live in the moment for these precious times that I can spend with my only child and I thank God every day that he calls me momma.

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